
How to use YAML frontmatter?

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with the latest update my YAML header are no longer by scope source.yaml. Is there any way to handle YAML frontmatter?

Nothing has changed with regards to YAML frontmatter.


Maybe: sublimehq/Packages#3288

I started ST4 in safe mode and installed MarkdownEditing, the scopes on line 2 are:

text.html.markdown.multimarkdown meta.content.multimarkdown markup.heading.2.markdown

Sublime Core uses the following scopes:

text.html.markdown.multimarkdown meta.content.multimarkdown text.html.markdown meta.frontmatter.markdown source.yaml.embedded.markdown source.yaml string.unquoted.plain.out.yaml

I think that source.yaml is missing in MarkdownEditing for MultiMarkdown syntax.

If you want YAML frontmatter, use Markdown.sublime-syntax

MultiMarkdown doesn't support YAML frontmatter. It uses its own simple key-value style of meta data at the beginning of a document, which may look very similar to YAML in the first place, but doesn't support nested objects etc.

for differences see:

ST opens markdown files using Markdown.sublime-syntax (out of the box), which highlights YAML frontmatter. MultiMarkdown is used only if actively assigned by user or if format: complete is found in the very first line.

The style of metadata is the only difference between Merkdown.sublime-syntax and MultiMarkdown.sublime-syntax.

Note: ST4's default MultiMarkdown.sublime-syntax highlighting YAML frontmatter is a bug, which will be fixed in one of the next ST4 releases.

Here's an example of how multimarkdown 6.6.0 translates YAML frontmatter of a markdown (on the left) to html (on the right).


Highlighting of markdown content using Multimarkdown.sublime-syntax matches the html output!

The previous screenshot was made with multimarkdown -b -c Omitting -c flag results in first --- being parsed as beginning of frontmatter. This will be fixed in the next release.