
"Select color scheme" is wrong to "show home page"

Closed this issue · 6 comments

The version is 3.1.9.

What exactly is the issue?

Nothing has changed with regards to "Select Color Scheme" command.

See here please, I don't know what's wrong.

Kapture 2023-01-21 at 11 46 24

Do you see any error messages in ST's concole?

Show TypeError: show_quick_panel() got an unexpected keyword argument 'on_select' in console.

This error indicates something to be wrong with your ST setup or you using quite outdated ST4 dev build.

Some ST4 dev builds shipped an API, which renamed on_select to on_done by accident. Current stable release however uses on_select again.

That's not an issue MarkdownEditing could fix.

Yes, you're definitely right. It's a dev version. Thanks for your help. Issue will be closed.