pipe through shell does not seem to work
acidtv opened this issue · 7 comments
When trying to pipe my buffer through sort with :%!sort nothing seems to happen.
It also doesn't give an error message.
I'm running osx 10.5.7 and sb 2.0.1
VintageEx will process lines one by one, launching the requested command for each line in turn, so what you want to do won't work at the moment. This should probably be fixed.
Sublime Text has built-in commands for sorting, though, so you can press F9 to sort all selected lines.
Ah, thanks for the tip. Would be niced to have it fixed though :)
Let me know if the fix works for you now. It seems to work fine on Windows.
It works with visual blocks now :).
But selecting all lines with :%!sort still doesn't work.
For %
lines will always be split by newlines at the moment. I'll take a look at it.
Fixed at 8043d3e.
Confirmed. Thanks alot! :)