
Way to access prefab ID, name, description, and sprite from the PrefabInfo or CustomPrefab

RamuneNeptune opened this issue · 2 comments

Describe the feature
A way to fetch your CustomPrefab's ID, name, description, and sprite. Like PrefabInfo.ID PrefabInfo.DisplayName etc or something

How would modders use this feature?

        public static CustomPrefab WithOutcrop(this CustomPrefab prefab, TechType outcropToCopy, int dropAmount, LootDistributionData.BiomeData[] biomeData, Dictionary<TechType, float> drops)
            var clone = new CloneTemplate(prefab.Info, outcropToCopy)
                ModifyPrefab = go =>
                    if(go.TryGetComponent<BreakableResource>(out var breakable))
                        breakable.breakText = "Break " +;

                    if(!go.TryGetComponentInChildren<Renderer>(out var renderer))

                   // here, prefab.Info.ID
                    renderer.material.SetTexture(ShaderPropertyID._MainTex, ImageUtils.GetTexture(prefab.Info.Id + "_MainTex");
                    renderer.material.SetTexture(ShaderPropertyID._SpecTex, ImageUtils.GetTexture(prefab.Info.Id + "_SpecTex");
                    renderer.material.SetTexture(ShaderPropertyID._Illum, ImageUtils.GetTexture(prefab.Info.Id + "_Illum");

            return prefab;

Currently I gotta add an extra parameter to my extension methods for the ID & name

You can use the following code to achieve this

    public static class TechTypeExtensions
        public static string DisplayName(this TechType techType) => Language.main.Get(techType);

        public static string Tooltip(this TechType techType) => Language.main.Get("Tooltip_" + techType);

        public static Atlas.Sprite Sprite(this TechType techType) => SpriteManager.Get(techType);
    public static class CustomPrefabExtensions
        public static string Id(this CustomPrefab customPrefab) => customPrefab.Info.ClassID;

        public static string DisplayName(this CustomPrefab customPrefab) => Language.main.Get(customPrefab.Info.TechType);

        public static string Tooltip(this CustomPrefab customPrefab) => Language.main.Get("Tooltip_" + customPrefab.Info.TechType);

        public static Atlas.Sprite Sprite(this CustomPrefab customPrefab) => SpriteManager.Get(customPrefab.Info.TechType);