
Generate random passwords including password length and character types. The generated password can be copied o the clipboard.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  • 💡 With HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, I've created a tool that lets you generate secure passwords tailored to your preferences. Here's what it can do:

  • ✅ Password Length Slider: Choose a length between 1 and 20 characters with a simple slider.

  • ✅ Character Selection: Customize your password by including uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.

  • ✅ Generate Password Button: Click to create a new, random password with each click.

  • ✅ Copy to Clipboard: Easily copy your generated password with just one click, making it convenient to use across platforms.

  • 💡Plus, the design is user-friendly and responsive, ensuring a seamless device experience.