
SK Movie House Digital Marketing Implementation


This project focuses on implementing digital marketing strategies for SK Movie House, a Movie Production House operating on a Business-to-Customer (B2C) model. The goal is to enhance online visibility, engage with the target audience, and drive customer acquisition and retention.

Business Details Business Name: SK Movie House Service Offered: Wide range of movies, TV shows, and games Target Audience: Enthusiasts seeking the best cinematic experience and creativity in filmmaking. Implemented Digital Marketing Strategies

  1. Website Development Webpages:

Main Page


TV Shows





Tools Used: Visual Studio Code, HTML,,

  1. Lead Magnet Copywriting Implemented lead generation tactics on the website to collect user details. Copywriting performed for the about section and main page to provide users with detailed information.

  2. Promotional Banner Created an eye-catching promotional banner using Canva. Integrated banners into the website's home page and implemented lightbox functionality.

  3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Conducted SEO using Google AdWords Keyword Planner. Optimized page titles, meta descriptions, H1 texts, and content with relevant keywords. Implemented anchor tags, alt tags for images, and built links to enhance website visibility. Utilized Google Search Console for performance review.

  4. Email Marketing Hosted email marketing on Created engaging content for email marketing campaigns. Monitored recipient activities through the email marketing dashboard.

  5. Facebook Marketing Created a dedicated Facebook account for SK Movie House. Integrated Facebook feed into the website for seamless access. Connected Facebook to to manage customer messages through the website inbox.

  6. YouTube Marketing Established a YouTube channel for SK Movie House. Uploaded promotional videos and shared them on the Facebook page. Utilized analytics to track video performance and made improvements.

  7. Twitter Marketing Created a Twitter profile for SK Movie House. Shared content, including photos and videos, to promote the website. Integrated the Twitter profile link into the website for enhanced connectivity.

Conclusion The digital marketing strategies implemented aim to create a robust online presence for SK Movie House, attracting and retaining customers through various channels. The integration of social media, email marketing, and website optimization contributes to a comprehensive and effective digital marketing approach. The project is an ongoing effort, with continuous analysis and optimization for better results.

Website link: