
Get running on new node version + update depedencies and gulpfile and so on

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Get running on new node version + update depedencies and gulpfile and so on

@jaames I'm going to do all the heavy lifting here to maintain this package, but would you happen to know which node version this was on when it started out?

I looked at NodeJS release history and picked out Node v8.4.0 but npm run build does not seem to produce output in dist/

[aburk@aburk-laptop Sudofont]$ node --version
[aburk@aburk-laptop Sudofont]$ npm run build

> Sudofont@2.0.0 build /home/aburk/git/Sudofont
> gulp build

[15:02:01] Using gulpfile ~/git/Sudofont/gulpfile.js
[15:02:01] Starting 'build'...
[15:02:02] Finished 'build' after 100 ms
[aburk@aburk-laptop Sudofont]$ ls dist
css  fonts  scss  svg  test.html
[aburk@aburk-laptop Sudofont]$ rm -rf dist
[aburk@aburk-laptop Sudofont]$ npm run build

> Sudofont@2.0.0 build /home/aburk/git/Sudofont
> gulp build

[15:02:12] Using gulpfile ~/git/Sudofont/gulpfile.js
[15:02:12] Starting 'build'...
[15:02:12] Finished 'build' after 84 ms
[aburk@aburk-laptop Sudofont]$ ls dist
ls: cannot access 'dist': No such file or directory
[aburk@aburk-laptop Sudofont]$ 

If you're too busy, feel free to disregard this; I plan on taking up maintenance for this package anyway since I want to use it on Theatre, and I'm sure I can figure it out.

Okay, I'm pretty sure the issue here is related to me not being on a Mac + not having Sketch installed, the Sketch step is required and while there is an script, it seems to only be mac compatible lol.

Working to replace the gulp-sketch step, ran into an issue with the lib I tried to use, waiting for that.


i nixed the sketch dep entirely and wrote a custom gulp svg loader that will probably break when i upgrade it to gulp 4 lol