
No able to connect to the Server

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When using ./ lsp-server tcp VsCode is not connecting to the server and when I did nmap scan there is no ports opend where the server client should connect to

Even the STDIO mode is also not working for me getting Header mode must provide a content length properly

And in TCP mode getting only written Activation time : 278ms

TCP problem is solved but still getting error using STDIO method

Currently vscode extension requires environment variables to be set:

in STDIO mode:

  • IDEALS_IJ_PATH - path to IDEA executable. The exact executable, not just the IDEA root directory.

in TCP mode:

  • IDEALS_TRANSPORT - must be set to TCP
  • IDEALS_TCP_PORT - port number (8989 by default)

We'll add this to the readme. Sorry for inconvenience.
