
Changing Tp in Smap/Simplex results in a time-shift effect?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

When I use my own data to try Smap with Tp = 1, I found that directly plotting Smap output of Observations and Predictions will show two similar traces with a clear time shift.
Screenshot from 2024-06-11 08-42-57

Therefore, I went back to check with rEDM example dataset and found similar time-shifting effect.
Here is my code of Smap and plotting for 3 figures below.(only change Tp for different figures)

smap = SMap( dataFrame = df, lib = "1   287", pred = "1   287",
             columns = "sunspot_count", target  = "sunspot_count",
             E = 5 , theta = 2,
             Tp = 1 )

plot( df$yr[1:100], df$sunspot_count[1:100], type = "p", xlab = "year", ylab = "sunspots")
lines( df$yr[1:100], df$sunspot_count[1:100], col = "black", lwd = 2)
lines( smap$predictions$yr[1:100], smap$predictions$Predictions[1:100], col = "red")

Screenshot from 2024-06-11 08-29-18

My understanding of Tp is that it uses x(t) to predict x(t+Tp). So generally with larger Tp(if the system only has a slight memory), the prediction would be worse, but not time shifted, right?
Or in the output Smap table like below(Tp=1 case), the predicted value(Predictions: 72.286) in the row of yr=1706 should correspond to the observation(Observations:58) of row with yr=1705?(If this is the case, then we need to plot the observation points and prediction points with obs(t) and pred(t-1))
Screenshot from 2024-06-11 08-46-36

Thanks for the comments.

Re: My understanding of Tp is that it uses x(t) to predict x(t+Tp). So generally with larger Tp (if the system only has a slight memory), the prediction would be worse, but not time shifted, right?

Agreed. Well, a bit more specifically the state space embedding created from x(t) is used to predict x(t+Tp). If the system is linear or heavily autocorrelated then as you note, prediction may not degrade with a linear projection.

The data/analysis agree with this:

> df = read.csv( 'Yearly_1700-2009.csv' )
> head(df)
  Year Sunspot
1 1700       5
2 1701      11
3 1702      16

>smap = SMap( dataFrame = df, lib = "1 310", pred = "1 310", columns = 'Sunspot', target = 'Sunspot', E = 5, theta = 2, Tp = 1 )

>pred = smap $ predictions

> smap4 = SMap( dataFrame = df, lib = "1 310", pred = "1 310", columns = 'Sunspot', target = 'Sunspot', E = 5, theta = 2, Tp = 4 )

> pred4 = smap4 $ predictions

> unlist( ComputeError( pred4$Observations, pred4$Predictions ) )
    MAE     rho    RMSE 
21.7855  0.6739 30.0556 
> unlist( ComputeError( pred $ Observations, pred $ Predictions ) )
    MAE     rho    RMSE 
10.4504  0.9439 13.3845 

We can see the output predictions are aligned with the observations since Tp initial values are missing, the code explicitly address this:

> head(pred,5)
  Year Observations Predictions Pred_Variance
1 1704           36         NaN           NaN
2 1705           58       44.99          1352
3 1706           29       72.23          1744
4 1707           20       12.09          2585
5 1708           10       10.55          2061

> head(pred4,10)
   Year Observations Predictions Pred_Variance
1  1704           36         NaN           NaN
2  1705           58         NaN           NaN
3  1706           29         NaN           NaN
4  1707           20         NaN           NaN
5  1708           10      37.412          1634
6  1709            8      43.368          1386
7  1710            3       8.128          3260
8  1711            0      15.403          3215
9  1712            0      47.295          2099
10 1713            2      87.191          2321

When I plot the results they agree with yours.



Perhaps the appearance of a "shift" is somewhat perceptual. I too have noticed this in periodic data. The Tp=4 results seems to show a negative shift in peaks prior to 1770, positive shift afterward, with no apparent shift in the lower extrema. EDM is simply using the nearest neighbors found from the embedding of x(t) to predict Tp timesteps ahead. Perceived shifts are potentially biased by experience/perception. Not to say that periodic systems do not exhibit time delayed/advanced dynamics... another topic.

Thank you for the explanation!
It's great my running of smap is the same as yours.
I then guess some part of the seemingly shifted prediction of my dataset is the property of the data itself.