
Additive health rating

Closed this issue · 2 comments

a useful app, when I saw it it reminded me of this other very similar app:

the difference with your application is that with colors and icons it immediately shows if an additive is considered dangerous.
Your application however explains what each individual additive is, which I find very interesting.

Maybe you could complement the two, what do you think?

Hi there, thank you for your comment.

I did try to add such health rating in the past. However I couldn't find any reliable data sources.

I could've just copied the ratings from this app. But since I'm not an additive expert, I wasn't sure if those information is accurate and up-to-date.
So, I thought of not adding it anyway.
Having false information can cause more damage than not having such information.

Hope you understand.
Thank you again.

Thanks for your Kindly response,
I can understand, yours is a shareable position.

I can only say that it would be nice if in this world even the ill-intentioned people had the same scruples as the well-intentioned ones :p
As if to say that those who want to do well often don't do it for fear of making mistakes, while those who want to do badly are never afraid of being wrong!