Nether rendering is wonky
Closed this issue · 3 comments
The nether rendering is wonky. Lot of columns do not render when they should, and changing the render mode doesn't help
I'm able to 'fix' this by changing int Y = Blocks.GetHeight(X, Z);
to int Y=255;
in GetStartRenderYCaveAlternate() in StandardRenderer.cs. Of note is that some chunks appear to render fine with the former code, but they all render correctly with the latter.
Apparently Blocks.GetHeight()
(nearly) directly accesses the HeightMap array from the NBT data for the chunk. This suggests that the data is being written strangely by Minecraft itself. It's inconsistent however, which confuses me. Without further information, I'll have to chalk it up to an apparent minecraft bug. Since the Heightmap is also used for the Skylight info, I'll assume it's a product of the horrific lighting system Minecraft uses, and work around it appropriately for the cave rendering. Normal rendering will continue to use the heightmap despite its faultiness, as the heightmap appears to still remain consistently valid for aboveground rendering.