
Didn't mark `getRightAnalog` as `const`

RechieKho opened this issue · 3 comments

So, on line 1186,

	boolean getRightAnalog (byte& x, byte& y) {
		x = rx;
		y = ry;

		return analogSticksValid;

I believe you forgot to mark const.

Since the getLeftAnalog marked const (on line 1165),

	boolean getLeftAnalog (byte& x, byte& y) const {
		x = lx;
		y = ly;

		return analogSticksValid;

So I believe it is a bug.

Good catch! Doesn't cause any issue but it's still an oversight, I will fix it (one day).

Hopefully that one day is today 👌

Well yes, with a PR everything is easier :). Thanks a lot!