
Player kicked while having service medals

Opened this issue · 3 comments

A player in my servers is getting kicked due to their account level being too low. This player has service medals, so I'm assuming that means that they are prime. I'm not sure exactly why they are being kicked. I have the minimum level set to 4, and I believe that they have prime, so I'm trying to figure out why they cannot join.

Server Cvars:

sm_npmk_kicklevel "4"
sm_npmk_kicklevel_enabled "1"
sm_npmk_msg "Your account is non-prime and your CS:GO level does not meet the server requirement. Please join back after leveling up your account."
sm_npmk_tag "[Non-Prime]"
sm_npmk_tag_enabled "0"


Plugin checks for CSGO Licence.
You can only get CSGO Licence if you buy the game. Free accounts don't have the licence (doesn't matter if they are prime or not).
So a free account user will always need to have the min CSGO level to enter the server.

Would it be possible to add an option to allow free accounts that have service medals or to check if a player has prime instead of a license? Due to the game being free to play, some of my players have hundreds of hours, but once they prestige and are set back to level 1, they are no longer able to connect.

Replaced CSGO level check with CSGO Play hours check as levels get reset after getting a medal.
Plugin updated this should resolve the issue.