
Command to check health of sumo container

SaikiranDaripelli opened this issue · 1 comments

We faced an issue last week, where one of our sumologic collector container stopped pushing logs, and we had to manually restart the container for it to start pushing again, and since we were only monitoring if sumologic container is running or not, it took us time to realise container is not pushing logs, instead it was running idle. and we lost few hours of log data as we configured only 15m of json-file logging.

2 Questions

  1. is there a command which we can configure in docker health check? so container is restarted if it isn't health/pushing logs actively?
  2. What is the recommended/more reliable approach between using this container or sumologic logging driver plugin?

You can set up scheduled search and configure alerts to get notified through email or webhook when you don't have any logs for x amount of time. We are actively working on better solutions around collection observability.