
[update-collection-v3] Misleading warning "Tracing config migrated"

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Version: v2.17.0

The warning "Tracing config migrated" is output even when there's no tracing config.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Prepare basic user-values.yaml file:
  accessId: xxx
  accessKey: yyy
  clusterName: zzz
  1. Run the migration tool ./update-collection-v3 -in user-values.yaml -out v3.yaml

Expected output

There should be no warning in the console output from the migration tool

Actual output

$ ./update-collection-v3 -in user-values.yaml -out v3.yaml                                                                                                                       
WARNING! Tracing config migrated to v3, please check the output file. For more details see documentation:
2023/01/20 14:15:32 Successfully migrated the configuration