
Built-in rate-limiting

Opened this issue · 7 comments

Built-in rate-limiting

Can you expound on this issue please? what exactly is trying to be achieved ?

The Sumo Logic API has rate limits (documented here). I think the SDK should know these limits and operate accordingly.

Thanks, I'll take a look at this and try and come up with a fix for it. I am currently having to put my application to sleep implicitly to avoid the rate limits.

Does anyone have a short term patch for this? I'm getting a

HTTPError: 504 Server Error: GATEWAY_TIMEOUT

And I think it's due to the rate limiting

When the REST API rate-limits you will receive a 429: Too many requests. The 504 is a server error which most likely occurred during an outage of some backend service that the API depends on. @mritchie712 please let me know if you're still having this issue.

In case anyone else is having this issue... I solved it by using the Search Job API instead of the search API.

Do you know of a PHP implementation of the Search Job API ?
I want to update the Sumologic Google Charts php project