Sentient-XII opened this issue · 7 comments
Hi, great resources thank you for the work you put in, where can I find instructional PoC in Foundary for some of these Hacks? It would be great to resource to learn from
You can use transaction debugging tools to know the exploit steps. Then you can replay the steps by foundry.
Thanks for the feedback, I am new to Foundry and also to Solidity but I have covered Solidity past few months and I am getting a hang of it, that been said. Hope its not to much to ask if you can create an example tutorial for the above a small step by step to learn from?
Avoid pocs for now, start with the basics, capture the ether, ethernaut, damn and so on
@NewCoNam Check out https://tqts.ar/ it has most of the solutions very well explained ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
This repo also has awesome CTFs, challenges and solutions list. https://github.com/blockthreat/blocksec-ctfs
Thank you for the awesome suggestions, my learning approach for now is to work through unit testing of functions and relating it back to security vulnerabilities, Foundry has been an incredible tool that simplified that process.