
type languages
simple-view Native view Java & Objective-C
modern-view Native view Kotlin & Swift
fabric-compat Fabric view with backward compat Java & Objective-C
fabric-only Fabric view Kotlin & Objective-C

How to run

e.g simple-view

$ cd simple-view && yarn
$ yarn example android
$ yarn example ios

How to add

e.g simple-view

$ npx create-react-native-library simple-view
✔ What is the name of the npm package? … react-native-simple-view
✔ What is the description for the package? … Simple view component
✔ What is the name of package author? … Sunbreak
✔ What is the email address for the package author? …
✔ What is the URL for the package author? …
✔ What is the URL for the repository? …
✔ What type of library do you want to develop? › Native view
✔ Which languages do you want to use? › Java & Objective-C