A straightforward Restful API built with Java Servlet
The routes for handling all CRUD operation looks like this
api/users get all Users
api/users/1234 get User with id = 1234
api/users add new User
api/users/1234 update User with id = 1234
api/users/1234 remove User
api/users || GET api/users/{passUserId}
It returns a list of users in JSON format. You can also get a specific user by passing their id.
You can send(POST) data using a JSON file. The key(parameters) for users are
"id": 1234,
"name": "Sunil Bohara",
"email": "boharasunil4@gmail.com",
"gender": "male",
"status": "active"
Delete the user from the server (database) by entering the user ID into the endpoint. For example, using the endpoint like this: api/users/1234.
By passing the ID in the endpoint and sending the new data in JSON format, you can update the user. The keys (parameters) for users are
"id": 1234,
"name": "Sunil Bohara",
"email": "boharasunil4@gmail.com",
"gender": "male",
"status": "active"