Hi there, I'm Sunil Bohara 👋

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I tell daily to myself you have to change don't stop learning

  • 🌱 Learner from Nepal
  • 🔭 I’m currently working on a Desktop Applications
  • 🌱 I'm a Software Developer Java,Swing,JavaFX,JS,Mysql, HTML5 & CSS3
  • 🌱 Next Mission is to Learn Web-Development HTML5, CSS3, Js, NodeJS
  • 👯 I’m looking to collaborate with other content creators

Connect with me:

codeSTACKr.com codeSTACKr | Twitter codeSTACKr | Instagram

Languages and Tools:

Visual Studio Code HTML5 CSS3 Sass JavaScript React Gatsby GraphQL Node.js Deno SQL MySQL MongoDB Git GitHub Terminal

âš¡ Github Stats Sunil-Bohara