
Pipe, thread

Closed this issue · 16 comments

Pipe and thread are constructs I use frequently to organize my transformations. I'm wondering if there's a reason you don't appear to have them. They differ with compose in that 1) the order of transformations is reversed, and 2) the transformations are invoked by the call.

Suor commented

I can see how pipe is useful. But what's your use cases for thread_*?

So you don't have to curry your functions. Although you could extend pipe to parse tuples and partial them for you.

That reminds me -- I use the toolz.curried namespace extensively, and rolled my own in funcy (can't live without walk_keys). That would complement pipe nicely.

Suor commented

I was thinking of adding an easier way to partial apply functions to funcy, haven't settled on an interface yet. I feel curried and normal functions would intermix creating a mess. How do you use that? Can you show some code samples?

The curried namespace is one way to minimize mixing. That being said, I haven't run into any mixing issues. That might be because toolz's curry is more lenient than yours -- it allows you to give multiple args at a time (so you could do curry(add)(5)(6) or curry(add)(5, 6)).

Here's a simplified version of the script I'm currently working on. The _| ... |_ stuff is just syntactic sugar for pipe.

<script src=""></script>
from __future__ import division                            

from funcy.curried import *                                
from fn import _ as __                                     
from bookends import _                                     

import survey                                              

def total_probability((outcome, pmf)):                     
  return (_| pmf                                           
           | select_keys(__ == outcome)                    
           | __.values                                     
           | call                                          
           | sum                                           

def prglength_pmf(records):                                
  return (_| records                                       
           | count_by(__.prglength)                        
           | walk_values(__ / len(records))                

def born_on_or_after(records, week):                       
  return filter(__.prglength >= week,                      

def main():                                                
  births = survey.read_records()                           
  outcomes = range(60)                                     
  prglength_groups = map(born_on_or_after(births),         
  print (_| prglength_groups                         
          | map(prglength_pmf)                       
          | partial(zip, outcomes)                   
          | map(total_probability)                   
Suor commented

funcy has autocurry, which is like that curry. Works poorly with functions with optional arguments, though, so I rely more on partial.

Also, regarding funcy's curry, I've run into this:

>>> from funcy import curry, walk_keys
>>> curry(walk_keys)(sum)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/Users/t/.virtualenvs/test/lib/python2.7/site-packages/funcy/", line 41, in <lambda>
    return wraps(func)(lambda f, *seqs: func(make_func(f, builtin=builtin, test=test), *seqs))
TypeError: walk_keys() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)

But haven't had the chance to dig into yet.

Shouldn't autocurry be able to leverage anything partial can do?

Suor commented

I think you are abusing all these stuff. You code could be rewritten into:

from __future__ import division                            

from funcy import *
from whatever import _

import survey                                              

def total_probability((outcome, pmf)):
    return sum(v for k, v in pmf if k == outcome)

def prglength_pmf(records):              
    counts = count_by(_.prglength, records)
    return walk_values(_ / len(records), counts)

def main():                                                
    births = survey.read_records()      
    outcomes = range(60)                                     
    prglength_groups = [filter(_.prglength >= week, births) for week in outcomes]
    pmfs = map(prglength_pmf, prglength_groups)
    print map(total_probability, zip(outcomes, pmfs))
Suor commented

Regarding partial and autocurry. First one always works in 2 steps: take partial, call a function. The second one needs to guess whether I mean calling it or partial applying, which is not generally possible when optional arguments are involved.

My abuse consists of 1) having shorter lines that do one thing each, rather than nesting, 2) not mixing list comps with functions, which I find mentally muddling, and 3) to put my data structure before my transformations, rather than after. I stand by those.

WRT optional arguments, that makes sense.

Although you're right about simplifying total_probability.

Feel free to close this if you're not convinced.

Suor commented

I'll probably add pipe(). Threads are superseded with pipe + partial/curry, so no point in them.

Suor commented

After implementing and testing it I came to a conclusion it duplicates compose in an alternative way. So I ended up not including it.