
Keycloak example using Next.js and Node.js

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Keycloak banner

Securing Node.js Express REST APIs and Next.js with Keycloak


Keycloak is an open-source identity and access management solution which makes it easy to secure modern applications and services with little to no code.

Keycloak environment with Docker + Docker Compose

After having cloned the repository, just access it and enter the Keycloak environment folder, and run the environments with Docker compose.

$ cd keycloak-nextjs-nodejs
$ cd docker/keycloak
$ docker-compose up -d

Now go to http://localhost:8080 and see if Keycloak opens in your browser.

Keycloak Settings

Create Realm

A Realm manages a set of users, credentials, roles, and groups. A user belongs to and logs into a realm. Realms are isolated from one another and can only manage and authenticate the users that they control.

  1. Go to http://localhost:8080/auth/admin and log in to the Keycloak Admin Console using the admin credentials, by default the user is admin and the password is admin.
  2. From the Master drop-down menu, click Add Realm. When you are logged in to the master realm this drop-down menu lists all existing realms.
  3. Type apps in the Name field and click Create.


When the realm is created, the main admin console page opens. Notice the current realm is now set to apps. Switch between managing the master realm and the realm you just created by clicking entries in the Select realm drop-down menu.

Make sure apps is selected for the below configurations. Avoid using the master realm. You don’t have to create the realm every time. It’s a one time process.

Create Clients

Clients are entities that can request Keycloak to authenticate a user. Most often, clients are applications and services that want to use Keycloak to secure themselves and provide a single sign-on solution. Clients can also be entities that just want to request identity information or an access token so that they can securely invoke other services on the network that are secured by Keycloak.

  1. Click on the Clients menu from the left pane. All the available clients for the selected Realm will get listed here.


  1. To create a new client, click Create. You will be prompted for a Client ID, a Client Protocol and a Root URL. A good choice for the client ID is the name of your application, the client protocol should be set to openid-connect and the root URL should be set to the application URL.

Create Node.js Client


After saving you will be presented with the client configuration page where you can assign a name and description to the client if desired.

Set the Access Type to confidential, Authorization Enabled to ON, Service Account Enabled to ON and click Save.


Credentials tab will show the Client Secret which is required for the Node.js Application Keycloak configurations.


Go to Client Roles tab to create the nodejs role definitions. Imagine the Application that you are building with have different types of users with different user permissions. Ex: users and administrators.

  • Some APIs would only be accessible to users only.
  • Some APIs would be accessible to administrators only.
  • Some APIs would be accessible to both users and administrators.

As per the example, let’s create two roles: user and admin by clicking Add Role button.





Create Next.js Client


After saving you will be presented with the client configuration page where you can assign a name and description to the client if desired.

Set the Access Type to confidential, Authorization Enabled to ON, Service Account Enabled to ON and click Save.


Credentials tab will show the Client Secret which is required for the Next Auth configurations.


Create Realm Roles

Applications often assign access and permissions to specific roles rather than individual users as dealing with users can be too fine grained and hard to manage.

Let’s create app-user and app-admin Realm roles by assigning corresponding nodejs roles (user, admin).

  1. Click on the Roles menu from the left pane. All the available roles for the selected Realm will get listed here.


  1. To create app-user realm role, click Add Role. You will be prompted for a Role Name, and a Description. Provide the details as below and Save.


After Save, enabled Composite Roles and Search for nodejs under Client Roles field. Select user role of the nodejs and Click Add Selected >.


This configuration will assign nodejs user client role to the app-user realm role. If you have multiple clients with multiple roles, pick and choose the required roles from each client to create realm roles based on the need.

  1. Follow the same steps to create the app-admin user but assign admin client role instead of user role.


Create Users

Users are entities that are able to log into your system. They can have attributes associated with themselves like email, username, address, phone number, and birth day. They can be assigned group membership and have specific roles assigned to them.

Let’s create following users and grant them app-user and app-admin roles for testing purposes.

  • employee1 with app-user realm role
  • employee2 with app-admin realm role
  • employee3 with app-user & app-admin realm roles
  1. From the menu, click Users to open the user list page.

  2. On the right side of the empty user list, click Add User to open the add user page.

  3. Enter a name in the Username field; this is the only required field. Flip the Email Verified switch from Off to On and click Save to save the data and open the management page for the new user.


  1. Click the Credentials tab to set a temporary password for the new user.

  2. Type a new password and confirm it. Flip the Temporary switch from On to Off and click Reset Password to set the user password to the new one you specified. For simplicity let’s set the password to mypassword for all the users.


  1. Click the Role Mappings tab to assign realm roles to the user. Realm roles list will be available in Available Roles list. Select one required role and click on the Add Selected > to assign it to the user.

After role assignment, assigned roles will be available under Assigned Roles list. Role assignments for employee1, employee2, and employee3 would be as below.

add-user-role-mappings-app-user add-user-role-mappings-app-admin add-user-role-mappings-app-user-&-app-admin

Yes, it was a bit of a hassle to go through all the configurations. But when you keep using Keycloak, these configurations will become a piece of cake. For new application getting added, you don’t need to do all of the above. You just need to add a new client with client roles and assign the client roles to corresponding realm roles.

Generate Tokens

Let’s quickly test the authentication of some user created above and see if the tokens are being generated correctly.

  1. Go to Realm Settings of the apps from the left menu and click on OpenID Endpoint Configuration to view OpenID Endpoint details.

realm-settings keycloak-all-endpoints

Keycloak Realm OpenID Endpoint Configuration

  1. Copy token_endpoint from the OpenID Endpoint Configuration. URL would look like:

Ex: http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/apps/protocol/openid-connect/token
  1. Use the following CURL command to generate user credentials. Replace KEYCLOAK_SERVER_URL, REALM_NAME, CLIENT_ID, USERNAME, PASSWORD with correct values.
curl -X POST '<KEYCLOAK_SERVER_URL>/auth/realms/<REALM_NAME>/protocol/openid-connect/token' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  --data-urlencode 'grant_type=password' \
  --data-urlencode 'client_id=<CLIENT_ID>' \
  --data-urlencode 'username=<USERNAME>' \
  --data-urlencode 'password=<PASSWORD>'

Execute the CURL from Terminal or use Insomnia/Postman. The response would look like below.


Configure Token Expiration Time

To access this setting you need to go to: Realm settings and then Tokens.

You can change the expiration time of the tokens, by default the access_token has an expiration of 5min and the refresh_token has an expiration of 30min, you can increase this time if you want.


In this case, I have the following configuration:

  • access_token: 30min
  • refresh_token: 1day
Node.js API

This application is very simple, it has some endpoints that are protected with Keycloak, that is, the user to be able to consume that endpoint needs to be authenticated and have all the roles that the endpoint needs to access it.


GET /anonymous - Public endpoint without Keycloak protection
GET /user user Secure endpoint with Keycloak and user role required to grant access
GET /admin admin Secure endpoint with Keycloak and admin role required to grant access
GET /all-user user + admin Secure endpoint with Keycloak and user and admin role required to grant access

Run Node.js API

First install all dependencies

$ cd keycloak-nextjs-nodejs/nodejs
$ npm install

Now execute API

$ cd keycloak-nextjs-nodejs/nodejs
$ npm run dev

The API after running will be available on port 3333.

Next.js App

Run Next.js App

First access the nextjs app folder

$ cd keycloak-nextjs-nodejs/nextjs

Install all dependencies

$ npm install

Configure environment variables, some variables where inserted, add a value to variable KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_SECRET from your client in Keycloak

$ cp .env.local.example .env.local

Now execute app

$ cd keycloak-nextjs-nodejs/nextjs
$ npm run dev

The app after running will be available on port 3000.

Sign in page


Home page





Logged out


This application, when making a request to the API endpoints in Node.js, if the access token expires, an Axios interceptor was created to monitor and perform the auto refresh token and with that the call that failed due to the token being invalid will work.
