
Please add support for Emojis

approximate opened this issue · 3 comments

Thank you for the plugin, this is one webpage less to keep open =)

Currently any emojis that Habitica website and mobile client can display are represented as plain text in Habitica pane


Looks like :this: type emoji's aren't getting rendered, gotta fix that.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention! We'll fix it asap!


@approximate, we've just release 0.9.15 version of our plugin, with Emoji Support! Would love for you to try out and give your feedback!

@SuperChamp234 great work, thank you very much for such a quick turnaround!

I have tested the updated version, all emojis are now displayed correctly:

I have identified another markdown rendering problem, I will open another issue for it. Feel free to close this one, and thanks again for a quick fix!