
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Tests Pypi Python Version


SecretScraper is a highly configurable web scrape tool that crawl links from target websites and scrape sensitive data via regular expression.

Shows an illustrated sun in light mode and a moon with stars in dark mode.


  • Web crawler: extract links via both DOM hierarchy and regex
  • Support domain white list and black list
  • Support multiple targets, input target URLs from a file
  • Support local file scan
  • Scalable customization: header, proxy, timeout, cookie, scrape depth, follow redirect, etc.
  • Built-in regex to search for sensitive information
  • Flexible configuration in yaml format


  • Platform: Test on MacOS, Ubuntu and Windows.
  • Python Version >= 3.9



pip install secretscraper


pip install --upgrade secretscraper

Note that, since Secretscraper generates a default configuration under the work directory if settings.yml is absent, so remember to update the settings.yml to the latest version(just copy from Customize Configuration).

Basic Usage

Start with single target:

secretscraper -u https://scrapeme.live/shop/

Start with multiple targets:

secretscraper -f urls
# urls

Sample output: image


All supported options:

> secretscraper --help
Usage: secretscraper [OPTIONS]

  Main commands

  -V, --version                Show version and exit.
  --debug                      Enable debug.
  -a, --ua TEXT                Set User-Agent
  -c, --cookie TEXT            Set cookie
  -d, --allow-domains TEXT     Domain white list, wildcard(*) is supported,
                               separated by commas, e.g. *.example.com,
  -D, --disallow-domains TEXT  Domain black list, wildcard(*) is supported,
                               separated by commas, e.g. *.example.com,
  -f, --url-file FILE          Target urls file, separated by line break
  -i, --config FILE            Set config file, defaults to settings.yml
  -m, --mode [1|2]             Set crawl mode, 1(normal) for max_depth=1,
                               2(thorough) for max_depth=2, default 1
  --max-page INTEGER           Max page number to crawl, default 100000
  --max-depth INTEGER          Max depth to crawl, default 1
  -o, --outfile FILE           Output result to specified file in csv format
  -s, --status TEXT            Filter response status to display, seperated by
                               commas, e.g. 200,300-400
  -x, --proxy TEXT             Set proxy, e.g.,
  -H, --hide-regex             Hide regex search result
  -F, --follow-redirects       Follow redirects
  -u, --url TEXT               Target url
  --detail                     Show detailed result
  --validate                   Validate the status of found urls
  -l, --local PATH             Local file or directory, scan local
                               file/directory recursively
  --help                       Show this message and exit.

Advanced Usage

Validate the Status of Links

Use --validate option to check the status of found links, this helps reduce invalid links in the result.

secretscraper -u https://scrapeme.live/shop/ --validate --max-page=10

Thorough Crawl

The max depth is set to 1, which means only the start urls will be crawled. To change that, you can specify via --max-depth <number>. Or in a simpler way, use -m 2 to run the crawler in thorough mode which is equivalent to --max-depth 2. By default the normal mode -m 1 is adopted with max depth set to 1.

secretscraper -u https://scrapeme.live/shop/ -m 2

Write Results to Csv File

secretscraper -u https://scrapeme.live/shop/ -o result.csv

Domain White/Black List

Support wildcard(*), white list:

secretscraper -u https://scrapeme.live/shop/ -d *scrapeme*

Black list:

secretscraper -u https://scrapeme.live/shop/ -D *.gov

Hide Regex Result

Use -H option to hide regex-matching results. Only found links will be displayed.

secretscraper -u https://scrapeme.live/shop/ -H

Extract secrets from local file

secretscraper -l <dir or file>

Switch to hyperscan

I have implemented the regex matching functionality with both hyperscan and re module, re module is used as default, if you purse higher performance, you can switch to hyperscan by changing the handler_type to hyperscan in settings.yml.

There are some pitfalls of hyperscan which you have to take caution to use it:

  1. not support regex group: you can not extract content by parentheses.
  2. different syntax from re

You'd better write regex separately for the two regex engine.

Customize Configuration

The built-in config is shown as below. You can assign custom configuration via -i settings.yml.

verbose: false
debug: false
loglevel: critical
logpath: log
handler_type: re

proxy: "" #
max_depth: 1 # 0 for no limit
max_page_num: 1000 # 0 for no limit
timeout: 5
follow_redirects: true
workers_num: 1000
  Accept: "*/*"
  Cookie: ""
  User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.87 Safari/537.36 SE 2.X MetaSr 1.0

  - "[\"'‘“`]\\s{0,6}(https{0,1}:[-a-zA-Z0-9()@:%_\\+.~#?&//={}]{2,250}?)\\s{0,6}[\"'‘“`]"
  - "=\\s{0,6}(https{0,1}:[-a-zA-Z0-9()@:%_\\+.~#?&//={}]{2,250})"
  - "[\"'‘“`]\\s{0,6}([#,.]{0,2}/[-a-zA-Z0-9()@:%_\\+.~#?&//={}]{2,250}?)\\s{0,6}[\"'‘“`]"
  - "\"([-a-zA-Z0-9()@:%_\\+.~#?&//={}]+?[/]{1}[-a-zA-Z0-9()@:%_\\+.~#?&//={}]+?)\""
  - "href\\s{0,6}=\\s{0,6}[\"'‘“`]{0,1}\\s{0,6}([-a-zA-Z0-9()@:%_\\+.~#?&//={}]{2,250})|action\\s{0,6}=\\s{0,6}[\"'‘“`]{0,1}\\s{0,6}([-a-zA-Z0-9()@:%_\\+.~#?&//={}]{2,250})"
  - (https{0,1}:[-a-zA-Z0-9()@:%_\+.~#?&//=]{2,100}?[-a-zA-Z0-9()@:%_\+.~#?&//=]{3}[.]js)
  - '["''‘“`]\s{0,6}(/{0,1}[-a-zA-Z0-9()@:%_\+.~#?&//=]{2,100}?[-a-zA-Z0-9()@:%_\+.~#?&//=]{3}[.]js)'
  - =\s{0,6}[",',’,”]{0,1}\s{0,6}(/{0,1}[-a-zA-Z0-9()@:%_\+.~#?&//=]{2,100}?[-a-zA-Z0-9()@:%_\+.~#?&//=]{3}[.]js)

  - logout
  - update
  - remove
  - insert
  - delete

  - name: Swagger
    regex: \b[\w/]+?((swagger-ui.html)|(\"swagger\":)|(Swagger UI)|(swaggerUi)|(swaggerVersion))\b
    loaded: true
  - name: ID Card
    regex: \b((\d{8}(0\d|10|11|12)([0-2]\d|30|31)\d{3})|(\d{6}(18|19|20)\d{2}(0[1-9]|10|11|12)([0-2]\d|30|31)\d{3}(\d|X|x)))\b
    loaded: true
  - name: Phone
    regex: "['\"](1(3([0-35-9]\\d|4[1-8])|4[14-9]\\d|5([\\d]\\d|7[1-79])|66\\d|7[2-35-8]\\d|8\\d{2}|9[89]\\d)\\d{7})['\"]"
    loaded: true
  - name: JS Map
    regex: \b([\w/]+?\.js\.map)
    loaded: true
  - name: URL as a Value
    regex: (\b\w+?=(https?)(://|%3a%2f%2f))
    loaded: false
  - name: Email
    regex: "['\"]([\\w]+(?:\\.[\\w]+)*@(?:[\\w](?:[\\w-]*[\\w])?\\.)+[\\w](?:[\\w-]*[\\w])?)['\"]"
    loaded: true
  - name: Internal IP
    regex: '[^0-9]((127\.0\.0\.1)|(10\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})|(172\.((1[6-9])|(2\d)|(3[01]))\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})|(192\.168\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}))'
    loaded: true
  - name: Cloud Key
    regex: \b((accesskeyid)|(accesskeysecret)|\b(LTAI[a-z0-9]{12,20}))\b
    loaded: true
  - name: Shiro
    regex: (=deleteMe|rememberMe=)
    loaded: true
  - name: Suspicious API Key
    regex: "[\"'][0-9a-zA-Z]{32}['\"]"
    loaded: true
  - name: Jwt
    regex: "['\"](ey[A-Za-z0-9_-]{10,}\\.[A-Za-z0-9._-]{10,}|ey[A-Za-z0-9_\\/+-]{10,}\\.[A-Za-z0-9._\\/+-]{10,})['\"]"
    loaded: true


  • Support headless browser
  • Add regex doc reference
  • Fuzz path that are 404
  • Separate subdomains in the result
  • Optimize url collector [//]: # (- [ ] Employ jsbeautifier)
  • Generate configuration file
  • Detect dangerous paths and avoid requesting them
  • Support url-finder output format, add --detail option
  • Support windows
  • Scan local file
  • Extract links via regex

Change Log

2024.5.25 Version 1.4

  • Support csv output
  • Set re module as regex engine by default
  • Support to select regex engine by configuration handler_type

2024.4.30 Version 1.3.9

  • Add --validate option: Validate urls after the crawler finish, which helps reduce useless links
  • Optimize url collector
  • Optimize built-in regex

2024.4.29 Version 1.3.8

  • Optimize log output
  • Optimize the performance of --debug option

2024.4.29 Version 1.3.7

  • Test on multiple python versions
  • Support python 3.9~3.11

2024.4.29 Version 1.3.6

  • Repackage

2024.4.28 Version 1.3.5

  • New Features
    • Support windows
    • Optimize crawler
    • Prettify output, add --detail option
    • Generate default configuration to settings.yml
    • Avoid requesting dangerous paths

2024.4.28 Version 1.3.2

  • New Features
    • Extract links via regex

2024.4.26 Version 1.3.1

  • New Features
    • Support scan local files


  • Add status to url result
  • All crawler test passed