
[BUG] SQLDB save wrong flatten results

jieguangzhou opened this issue · 0 comments

def _model_update_impl_flatten(
    ids: t.List[t.Any],
    predict_id: str,
    outputs: t.Sequence[t.Any],
    table_records = []

    def random_id():
        return str(uuid.uuid4().hex)

    for ix in range(len(outputs)):
        for r in outputs[ix]:
            d = {
                '_input_id': str(ids[ix]),
                '_source': random_id(),
                'output': outputs[ix], # wrong here

    for r in table_records:
        if isinstance(r['output'], dict) and '_content' in r['output']:
            r['output'] = r['output']['_content']['bytes']

    db.databackend.insert(f'_outputs.{predict_id}', table_records)

Need to change to save 'output': r,