- 2
[Crash] ... Minecraft Crashing from server
#110 opened by RastTattoo - 1
[Crash] Center click crashes game.
#109 opened by Polestar-1 - 0
[Crash] 1.12.2 Connecting dirt issue?
#108 opened by Buklaike268 - 0
[Question] ... Slabs and Stairs
#107 opened by ual1n - 0
[Bug] Reference map 'rechiseled.mixins.refmap.json' for rechiseled.mixins.json could not be read
#106 opened by Shadowblitz16 - 2
- 1
[Question] breaking speed
#104 opened by vivyllane - 2
[Feature] Chisel Pagination
#70 opened by Fnige - 5
- 4
[Bug] mod not working
#102 opened by vivyllane - 1
[Feature] Copper Variants/ Oxidize feature
#68 opened by lostopkk - 2
[Feature] New Tags
#96 opened by TheBedrockMaster - 2
[Feature] Add Dirt to the Dirt Tag
#98 opened by TheBedrockMaster - 4
#93 opened by sapphiriza - 3
- 1
[Crash] ... Placing 2 differnet types of connecting rechiseled blocks within render distance
#97 opened by Seemlyhaddock47 - 4
[Crash] Rendering item
#94 opened by NahueMont - 1
- 2
[Bug] Mod contains loot tables for blocks not present in version, causing severe log spam
#91 opened by cursedgerbil - 1
[Feature/Bug] Scrollbar / Pagination
#90 opened by MJRamon - 2
[Bug] Broken and undefined textures.
#89 opened by AngelPalomar - 1
[Crash] Cannot start the game
#84 opened by TobiasReindl - 1
No recipe with EMI[Bug] ...
#86 opened by aroxy - 0
- 1
- 1
[Bug] neoforge networking
#83 opened by kittech0 - 0
Requires Mod When Its There.
#80 opened by TechnicallyMC - 2
eating blocks[Bug] ...
#79 opened by FeryFaithless - 4
[Bug] Blocks with wrong textures
#78 opened by Sabotake - 1
- 1
Crash With Connecting Textures[Crash] ...
#77 opened by PhoenixCyanFire - 0
[Feature] Gui capped at 25 Blocks
#75 opened by SugarDaddii - 0
please delete
#74 opened by FantabulousPhoton - 1
[Bug] Unable to select connected textures on some blocks and weird visual bugs
#73 opened by franmatesic - 2
Please Properly Label Mods
#72 opened by P3rf3ctXZer0 - 3
[Crash] Block Render
#71 opened by CoNnEcT500BR - 7
- 2
[Crash] Batching chunks
#67 opened by CorrM - 2
[Crash] When breaking rechiseled blocks
#66 opened by aqua-air - 5
- 11
[Bug] Weird textures and missing ones.
#64 opened by Ianzukito - 1
[Question] Fusion on serverside needs :(
#63 opened by DrLeonardo95 - 2
- 5
[Feature] Fix Copper Duplication Exploit
#61 opened by Boneful - 1
[Bug] Wrong red nether bricks names
#60 opened by unroman - 7
- 4
[Crash] whenever I open the mod in 1.17.1 using the 1.17.1 version of the mod it crashes before opening the game
#57 opened by MikelEFG - 2
- 4
- 2
[Crash] Rechiseled or fusion
#54 opened by ferreiraalex