
[BUG] Critical bug in the REPLY system

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Plugin Version:


Describe The Bug:

when you click on buttons in the reply GUI, nothing happen.

How To Reproduce:

Open a ticket, go to the reply section... only the "add' button works.
the back button is broken and also the "read full message" doesn't work

Expected Behavior:

Screenshots/Error Log:

[20:05:44] [Server thread/ERROR]: Could not pass event InventoryClickEvent to AdvancedModreq v6.1.1
15867 | java.lang.NullPointerException: null
15868 | at me.superronancraft.advancedmodreq.menus.inventories.InvReplies.clickEvent( ~[?:?]
15869 | at me.superronancraft.advancedmodreq.menus.enums.ModreqInv.clickEvent( ~[?:?]
15870 | at ~[?:?]
15871 | at ~[?:?]
15872 | at com.destroystokyo.paper.event.executor.MethodHandleEventExecutor.execute( ~[patched_1.16.3.jar:git-Paper-253]
15873 | at co.aikar.timings.TimedEventExecutor.execute( ~[patched_1.16.3.jar:git-Paper-253]
15874 | at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent( ~[patched_1.16.3.jar:git-Paper-253]
15875 | at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent( ~[patched_1.16.3.jar:git-Paper-253]
15876 | at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R2.PlayerConnection.a( ~[patched_1.16.3.jar:git-Paper-253]
15877 | at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R2.PacketPlayInWindowClick.a(SourceFile:32) ~[patched_1.16.3.jar:git-Paper-253]
15878 | at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R2.PacketPlayInWindowClick.a(SourceFile:10) ~[patched_1.16.3.jar:git-Paper-253]
15879 | at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R2.PlayerConnectionUtils.lambda$ensureMainThread$1( ~[patched_1.16.3.jar:git-Paper-253]
15880 | at ~[patched_1.16.3.jar:git-Paper-253]
15881 | at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R2.IAsyncTaskHandler.executeTask( ~[patched_1.16.3.jar:git-Paper-253]
15882 | at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R2.IAsyncTaskHandlerReentrant.executeTask(SourceFile:23) ~[patched_1.16.3.jar:git-Paper-253]
15883 | at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R2.IAsyncTaskHandler.executeNext( ~[patched_1.16.3.jar:git-Paper-253]
15884 | at ~[patched_1.16.3.jar:git-Paper-253]
15885 | at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R2.MinecraftServer.executeNext( ~[patched_1.16.3.jar:git-Paper-253]
15886 | at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R2.IAsyncTaskHandler.awaitTasks( ~[patched_1.16.3.jar:git-Paper-253]
15887 | at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R2.MinecraftServer.sleepForTick( ~[patched_1.16.3.jar:git-Paper-253]
15888 | at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R2.MinecraftServer.w( ~[patched_1.16.3.jar:git-Paper-253]
15889 | at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R2.MinecraftServer.lambda$a$0( ~[patched_1.16.3.jar:git-Paper-253]
15890 | at [?:?]

Additional Context:

After some test, I noticed that the problem is when you open a ticket like this:

/report view 11

in this area the reply section doesn't work.

Instead if you do: /report list... or /report status... in this area it works.

I noticed that the resolve function doesn't work...
I tried to follow the step suggested here - Resolve: A resolved ticket allows players to rate their experience, but only if the ticket was closed and an admin left a reply on the ticket.

But it doesn't resolve the ticket...

Woah, very sorry for the very long delay, I have been in a development hiatus. I will be getting back into the rhythm of things and hopefully get this patched out very soon!

fixed the multiple bugs you mentioned above ;)