
When I use the child bridge, it does not work correctly

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What should I do?

The http-notification-server currently doesn't support child bridges. In registers information with the primary homebridge process such that plugins running on that process can interact with the exposed http server.
The problem is, that this information is not available to other processes, particularly other plugins running in a child bridge. I think the only reasonable way to support this again is by homebridge adding something like a proper inter-plugin communication channel.
Another solution might be, to add the ability to spin up multiple http-notification-server instances which you have to deliberately configure in the config.

当前http-notification-server不支持子桥。在主 homebridge 进程中注册信息,以便在该进程上运行的插件可以与公开的 http 服务器交互。 问题是,此信息对其他进程不可用,尤其是在子桥中运行的其他插件。我认为再次支持这一点的唯一合理方法是通过 homebridge 添加诸如适当的插件间通信通道之类的东西。 另一种解决方案可能是,添加启动多个http-notification-server实例的功能,您必须在配置中有意配置这些实例。

Okay, I'll try,thank you