Unable to determine plugin type
mikl10 opened this issue · 11 comments
my homebridge server hoobs 3.3.5 doesn't load config.json because I have that issue with the plugin :
30/06/2021, 19:25:01 Unexpected token ':'
30/06/2021, 19:25:01 Unable to determine plugin type for "homebridge-http-switch"
When I delete all part with http-switch declaration that work.
"accessory": "HTTP-SWITCH",
"name": "Portail",
"switchType": "stateless",
"timeout": 1000,
"onUrl": ",5,1,500",
"plugin_map": {
"plugin_name": "homebridge-http-switch",
"index": 0
Can you help me to resove that please?
You are missing a "}"
"accessory": "HTTP-SWITCH",
"name": "Portail",
"switchType": "stateless",
"timeout": 1000,
"onUrl": ",5,1,500",
"plugin_map": {
"plugin_name": "homebridge-http-switch",
"index": 0
it is a miss with my copy/paste, in my config file it is present
Can you provide the entire config file?
Also, I’m not familiar with "plugin_map". I don’t see it in the documentation. Can you provide a link to where you got that from?
"server": {
"port": 8080,
"origin": "*",
"autostart": 0,
"home_setup_id": "X-HM://0023ISYWYMN3E",
"polling_seconds": 5
"client": {
"default_route": "status",
"inactive_logoff": 30,
"theme": "hoobs-light",
"locale": "fr",
"temp_units": "celsius",
"country_code": "FR",
"postal_code": "10150"
"bridge": {
"name": "MyHome",
"port": 51826,
"pin": "031-45-154",
"username": "EC:4A:2B:88:4D:62"
"description": "",
"ports": {},
"accessories": [
"accessory": "HTTP-SWITCH",
"name": "Portail",
"switchType": "stateless",
"timeout": 1000,
"onUrl": ",5,1,500",
"plugin_map": {
"plugin_name": "homebridge-http-switch",
"index": 0
"accessory": "HTTP-SWITCH",
"name": "Portail Pieton",
"switchType": "stateless",
"timeout": 1000,
"onUrl": ",4,0,500",
"plugin_map": {
"plugin_name": "homebridge-http-switch",
"index": 0
"accessory": "DelaySwitch",
"name": "DelaySwitch",
"disableSensor": false,
"delay": 5000,
"plugin_map": {
"plugin_name": "homebridge-delay-switch",
"index": 0
"startOnReboot": false
"accessory": "DelaySwitch",
"name": "DelayGarage",
"disableSensor": true,
"delay": 600000,
"plugin_map": {
"plugin_name": "homebridge-delay-switch",
"index": 0
"startOnReboot": false
"accessory": "DelaySwitch",
"name": "TimerChambreLeana",
"disableSensor": true,
"delay": 1800000,
"plugin_map": {
"plugin_name": "homebridge-delay-switch",
"index": 0
"startOnReboot": false
"accessory": "DelaySwitch",
"name": "TimerChambreClea",
"disableSensor": true,
"delay": 1800000,
"plugin_map": {
"plugin_name": "homebridge-delay-switch",
"index": 0
"startOnReboot": false
"accessory": "DelaySwitch",
"name": "TimerEntree",
"disableSensor": true,
"delay": 600000,
"plugin_map": {
"plugin_name": "homebridge-delay-switch",
"index": 0
"startOnReboot": false
"platforms": [
"platform": "HttpWebHooks",
"webhook_port": "51830",
"cache_directory": "/home/hoobs/storage",
"sensors": [
"id": "sensor",
"name": "sonnette",
"type": "motion",
"autoRelease": true
"id": "sensor2",
"name": "Portail_Info",
"type": "contact",
"autoRelease": false
"plugin_map": {
"plugin_name": "homebridge-http-webhooks"
"platform": "ProgrammableHTTPSwitch",
"plugin_map": {
"plugin_name": "homebridge-programmable-http-switch"
Can you provide the entire config file?
Also, I’m not familiar with "plugin_map". I don’t see it in the documentation. Can you provide a link to where you got that from?
"plugin_map" it was automatically insert in my backup create with hoobs.
So I use homebridge, not hoobs. I can't find any reference to "plugin_map" anywhere. Have you tried removing all of the instances of it and restarting?
Yes if I remove all declaration "HTTP-SWITCH" it work
Any other recent changes? Update to Hoobs ? Sorry I don't have a better answer for you.
this week-end I will try to restart all from 0, format SD card and reinstall all plugin. We'll see
Please contact HOOBS support for issues with hoobs. This plugin only supports homebridge and homebridge-ui.