
wram error on make. does not occur with base pokecrystal

Opened this issue · 8 comments

Cyniv commented

$ make
rgbasm -o wram.o wram.asm
FATAL: wram.asm(224):
Constant mustn't be negative: -20
make: *** [Makefile:52: wram.o] Error 1

Getting the same thing on my end too

$ make rgbasm -o wram.o wram.asm FATAL: wram.asm(224): Constant mustn't be negative: -20 make: *** [Makefile:52: wram.o] Error 1

Is there a fix to this problem?

Hi, maybe i found a fix, i just used rgbds 0.2.5 instead of another version.
Link here
Just place the files from the zip in C:\cygwin64\usr\local\bin and it should be okay.

Edit - i don't know if other versions work, this one worked for me.

Hi, maybe i found a fix, i just used rgbds 0.2.5 instead of another version. Link here Just place the files from the zip in C:\cygwin64\usr\local\bin and it should be okay.

Edit - i don't know if other versions work, this one worked for me.

I just did and then other error popped up

rgbasm -o wram.o wram.asm
python 2bpp gfx/misc/pack.png
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 6, in
from extras.pokemontools import gfx, lz
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'extras'
make: *** [Makefile:63: gfx/misc/pack.2bpp] Error 1

I'm not an expert, but you could try redownloading Pokemon-Perfect-Crystal folder and put it in place of where your current one is, use make crystal11 and it should compile it.

Still doesn't work, I understand it is supposed to make an IPS file but is there a way to make an actual GBC file?

Has anyone found a solution to this?

My steps have been:

  1. Save Pokemon-Pokemon-Perfect-Crystal here: C:\cygwin64\home[user]
  2. rgbds 0.6.1 saved here: C:\cygwin64\usr\local\bin
  3. in cygwin -> cd Pokemon-Pokemon-Perfect-Crystal
  4. make
  5. get error: rgbasm -o wram.o wram.asm
    warning: wram.asm(1) -> includes.asm(3) -> constants.asm(1) -> macros.asm(1) -> macros/enum.asm(3): [-Wobsolete]
    ..... (1000ish similar lines)
    FATAL: wram.asm(224):
    Constant must not be negative: -20
    make: *** [Makefile:52: wram.o] Error 1

If i follow the instructions in the install file and do the git clone ... cd pokecrystal make, it just makes the base game.

Any thoughts would be great!

As @CoachAP wrote, you have to use rgbds 0.2.5.

Additionaly needs extras.

They can be installed in the following way:

  1. install python 2.7
  2. extract the file "extract this to make it"
  3. change the first line of extras/requirements.txt to "-e git+"
  4. run "pip2.7 install -r extras/requirements.txt"
  5. run "PYTHON=python2.7 make"