
GraphQL support

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I'm developing an app that exposes a GraphQL API. What would it take to be able to upload my graphql schema when setting up superflows for my app? I'd rather not have to create a REST API just to integrate.

Hi @nloum, thanks so much for reaching out! ๐Ÿ˜„

Totally understand you not wanting to write a whole REST API for this.

Sadly, we don't support GraphQL yet, although it's on our roadmap.

I would be really interested in understanding your usecase better - quite possible it will lead to this being bumped heavily up the priority list, since only 1 other company we've spoken to have explicitly requested GraphQL. If you're happy to, get in touch on Slack or via email - whichever is easier for you ๐Ÿ˜„

@nloum, thought I'd bump here - would be great to better understand your usecase & can totally see this being highly prioritised if you are happy to chat ๐Ÿ˜„