
Assets for the Spacebook tutorial

Spacebook - Tutorial data

Welcome! Seems like you are interested in tutorial data (.sketch and font files) or the save files to use within Supernova. You've definitely arrived on the right place.

If you want to download the save files, please navigate to the /Save Files directory and pick the files you want.

If you want to download the tutorial source files like the .sketch file and fonts files, please navigate to the /Tutorial Data directory and pick the files you want.

Finally, the most convenient way how to download all the data at once (which we recommend) is to click "clone or download" at the top -> Download Zip.

About Supernova Studio

Supernova Studio is the first tool which truly bridges the gap between designers and developers. It does this by converting your design files to native components and the code. If you want to know more, visit the Supernova Studio pages.