
Error: Cannot open an HTTP server: socket.error reported errno.EINVAL (22)

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Running on OSX sonoma docker image richarvey/nginx-php-fpm:3.1.6 (alpine)

with installed using instruction
RUN apk add supervisor

Stops working after upgrade do sonoma.
Throws error:
Error: Cannot open an HTTP server: socket.error reported errno.EINVAL (22)

How can I debug it, what should I check?

I'm getting the same error since a couple of weeks ago.

Supervisor no longer runs correctly (after rebuilding) on containers that I haven't touched in months. Also tried it out on a fresh container using image php:8.1-fpm and I get the same error. Not sure how to debug.

I was able to fix this error by updating the file value to the following:


Previously I was using a custom path without problem, but that now seems to produce the above error.

See if that works for you, @PawelJi