
erreur in executing command : rake test_install and when enable the service

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after installing ione and all is ok, when i exute the command "rake test_install" i get this erreur :Can't connect to database, got: Too many matches for path expression There are 2 nodes matching DB/BACKEND
trouble 1
and when i would like to start the ione service, it said to me not found
trouble 2
what i suppose to do ?

@slntopp can you help me please ?

Hi, do you have logs during install? Looks ione install wasn't completed

regarding first screenshot: you should check your oned.conf, you might have had uncommented some DB section, so there are two. It must be only one

Hello @slntopp ,i installed the ione in the same machine with opennebula front-end ,is that a problem ?
also i think that i installed correctly, look at this screenshot :
make install done
and in the second screenshot my oned.conf (DB part)
Ubuntu18 04(opennebula 6) -2021-10-02-16-59-56
When i comment the 2 lines :
DB = [ BACKEND = "sqlite",
TIMEOUT = 2500 ]
i got this error:

Regarding ione.service, check if that file exists at /usr/lib/systemd/system. If it's not there, just copy it from sys dir in ione repo.

About the DB, ione doesn't support sqlite out of the box, you should consider using MySQL or PostgreSQL

Hi @slntopp ,
I allready have this file in the diractory systemd
Concerning the database, also i allready use MySQL when i install the OpenNebula front-end
what should i do ?

Sorry, yes, you just need to comment DB Section where backend="sqlite"

With systemd, try

systemctl daemon-reload
# and then
systemctl start ione

Systemd issue can be caused because you use Ubuntu.
Unfortunately installer and IONe itself wasn't properly tested on Ubuntu yet. In case my previous suggestion won't work and you find other way to resolve this issue, it would be very helpful if you log it here. Thanks

i tried what you said for me but the same thing
I encountered several problems when installing the ione : i changed "yum" to "apt" in ione/rake/install_deps.rake, also i installed many services manuelly but finally no result.
So, can i create a new VM RHEL 8 and i'll install only the ione, is that work ?

Installing ione on CentOS/RHEL is quite recommended, so if you can and want to, you should try.

But actually, checking systemd docs for Ubuntu could be more useful, because:

  • Rest(main part) of IONe seems to be installed
  • Much recommended to run IONe on the same host(otherwise installer is no use for setting up hooks etc)

Also I could suggest you to try using Dockerized IONe.

thank you for your help .