Payumoney issue
Closed this issue · 5 comments
Hii suraj after installing the package by this command "npm i react-native-payumoney --save" i was just running the project by "react-native run-android" and it is suggesting to put "tools:replace="android:usesCleartextTraffic" under application tag that i did but still getting same issue.
please share xml file
That issue got solved thanks to you. But now, I am facing another issue.
This is my import statement.
import PayuMoney from 'react-native-payumoney';
This is my function where I call PayuMoney.
onPressCheckout = () => { let options = { amount: 10.0, txid: "123123123" , productId: "test", name: "Name", email: "", phone: "8826343434", id: "393463", key: "LLKwG0", surl: "", furl: "", sandbox: true, hash: "d829abecdaf9f2835787b3f56d1c7565721ca2501e6414438e61948dab435f102fc93213008cdfa3474691cadcc2dabdde64cd58c128dd2afcf3b389d617919c" }; => { console.log(d); // WIll get a Success response with verification hash }).catch(e => { console.log(e); //In case of failture }); }
I am getting the error:
TypeError: is not a function. (In '', '' is undefined)
Can you please help, it is urgent. Thanks!
Note: I am using dummy values which I will generate later
in readme check troubleshooting 'Edit android/app/ and add' section