
This is the repository for my course "Building a website with Node.js and Express"

Primary LanguageHTML

Building a website with Node.js and Express

This repository contains the code for my course 'Building a Website with Node.js Node.js' on LinkedIn Learning.

The master branch contains the initial version to get started with, while the branches contain the state of the code at the beginning (e.g. 02_02b) and end (e.g. 02_02e) of a video.

Setting up the project

  • In your terminal, create directory building-website-nodejs-express and change into it.
  • Run
    git clone --bare git@github.com:danielkhan/building-website-nodejs-express.git .git
    git config --bool core.bare false
    git reset --hard
    git branch

Everything else will be discussed in my course.