Hospital Management System

Hospital Management System using MongoDb, Express and React

Need to work on

  1. Ability to accept the appointment by the doctor to acknowledge the patient that their appointment has been approved.

  2. User should not be allowed to register if he/she tries to provide the already registered email ID. The password should be encrypted and the password field shouldn't be displayed in the admin panel.

  3. Enables users to generate invoices, track payments, and manage billing information for patients.

  4. Addition of more fields in the prescription statement to make it more specific one.

  5. Addition of more details on payment - such as date of the payment made, amount paid, etc.

  6. Allows doctors and healthcare providers to create and manage their profiles, including specialties, availability, and contact information.

Language and Technology used:

  1. Html,css
  2. Javascript
  3. React
  4. MongoDb
  5. Express
  6. Redux Toolkit


Installing - easy ::

  1. Download the repository
git clone
  1. Open the Terminal (Linux & MacOS) or PowerShell (Windows) and change directory to the project folder.
  2. Go to frontend folder and type " npm install " in the terminal and press Enter.All the dependencies of frontend would be installed.
cd frontend 
npm install 
  1. Go to backed folder and type " npm install " in the terminal and press Enter.All the dependencies of backed would be installed.
cd backend  
npm install 
  1. Go back to the Terminal (PowerShell) and be sure that you are pointing inside the project folder. To open the application, type ‘npm run dev ’ and press Enter.

  2. The application should be live on the local port 3000.

  3. Type http://localhost:3000/ into a browser.

  4. Now you should be inside the application

Gettint Into The project



Hospital Management System in mern stack. This system has a ‘Home’ page from where the patient & administrator can login into their accounts by toggling the tabs accordingly...


Contact us page

‘Contact’ page allows users to provide feedback or queries about the services of the hospital. contact page


To make a Appointment of Doctor user must be login first.

login page

Book his/her appointment:

After Login in successfully user book their Appointment. The appointment form requires patients to select Date and Time that they want to meet with the doctor and add their desease. The consultancy fee will be added by the administrator.


Add invoice from admin pannel

After the process of Appointment is completed.Administrator add the invoice for each Appointment.

add invoice


Go to dashboard to see history of Appointment. Now user can pay his bill through khalti payment gateway.



Admin module

This module is the heart of our project where an admin can see the list of all patients. Admin also can add the invoice for each user..who make a appointment of doctor. Admin can also Add docotor ,Delete Doctor.

