
Example of Namespace with Controllers with Rocket Pants

sricc opened this issue · 4 comments

I'm new to Rails and Ruby and was wondering if you could give an example for this statement:

"And in the case of multiple versions, I strongly encourage namespaces the controllers inside modules."

Your original example:

class UsersController < RocketPants::Base
  version 1 # A single version
  # or...
  version 2..3 # 2-3 support this controller

Then in routes:

api :versions => 1..3 do
  get 'x', :to => 'test#item'

How would these change? What would the folder structure look like??

- app
  - controllers
     - api
       - v1


Hey there Steve,

So, first - Rails loads using a structure - so your file system layout is correct - Using the users example,

it'd be app/controllers/api/v1/users_controller.rb - Rails is smart enough to expect the controller Api::V1::UsersController in that file - so you declare it as such:

class Api::V1::UsersController < RocketPants::Base
  version 1

  def index
    expose User.all # Not what we'd actually do...


Note that I'd probably also introduce Api::V1::BaseController, and inherit from that - that way any shared logic (e.g. authentication) can be put in there - I can do an example of that if you'd like?

Finally, in the routes - the easiest way would be in the api declaration:

api versions: 1, module: "api/v1" do
  resources :users, only: [:index]  

Which will set up /1/users to hit the index action of Api::V1::UsersController - the module parameter comes from the rails built in routing stuff:

Hey Darcy,

Thank you very much for the explanation and the examples, it was very helpful. This is probably natural to the experienced Rails developer, but it might be nice to provide this explanation in the README near the statement.

"And in the case of multiple versions, I strongly encourage namespaces the controllers inside modules."

Now, everything is working!

Thanks again for getting back to me. I really appreciate it!

Great overview - thanks so much!

Sweet, cheers guys. I'll add it to the README