
Convert typed text to realistic handwriting!

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Convert typed text to realistic handwriting

All Contributors


License: MIT


🌐 handwritten.js


For browsers:

<script src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alias-rahil/handwritten.js/master/docs/handwritten.js"></script>

This will expose the latest version of handwritten.js as a global variable called handwritten which you can start using right away. Check the contents of docs/ folder for a simple implementation. For other versions, install the required version with npm and use browserify to compile it. Optionally, use babel-minify to compress the bundled javascript file.

For nodejs projects:

npm install handwritten.js


yarn add handwritten.js

Install globally:

npm install handwritten.js -g


yarn global add handwritten.js

Note: DO NOT use sudo to install global packages! The correct way is to tell npm where to install its global packages: npm config set prefix ~/.local. Make sure ~/.local/bin is added to PATH.


For nodejs projects:

const handwritten = require('handwritten.js')
const fs = require('fs')
const rawtext = "Hello, world!"
handwritten(rawtext).then((converted) => {

CLI usage with npx:

npx handwritten.js -f "path/to/inputfile.txt" -o "path/to/outputfile.pdf"

Note: Use this method only if you plan to use handwritten.js for one time, installing handwritten.js globally (see-below) is recommended for multiple time usages.

CLI usage after installing globally:

handwritten.js -f "path/to/inputfile.txt" -o "path/to/outputfile.pdf"


Command line

handwritten.js -f path/to/inputfile.txt -o path/to/outputfile.pdf
handwritten.js -f path/to/inputfile.txt -o path/to/outputfile.pdf --ruled
handwritten.js -f path/to/inputfile.txt -o path/to/outputfolder --images png

Check --help or --version option for more details.

In code

handwritten(rawtext, { ruled: true })
handwritten(rawtext, { outputtype: "jpeg/buf" })
handwritten(rawtext, { ruled: true, outputtype: "jpeg/b64" })
handwritten(rawtext, { ruled: true, outputtype: "jpeg/b64" , inkColor: COLORS.RED})

Default outputtype: "pdf". Supported output types are: pdf, jpeg/buf, jpeg/b64, png/buf and png/b64. If the output type is set to pdf, it returns a promise that will resolve in a pdfkit document instance. Else it will return a promise that will resolve in an array containing the buffer or base64 value of the images according to the output type provided. Default inkColor is black, more ink colors are available through COLORS under handwritten.js/constants




👤 Rahil Kabani rahil.kabani.4@gmail.com

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🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check issues page.

handwritten.js only supports English letters. I am not planning to add support for other languages for now. Please do not any more make issues about this. However, I will merge pull requests if any. See the issue #18 for more details.


GDGVIT/HandWriter - For the cleaned dataset.


🏠 Homepage



Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Rahil Kabani

💻 📖 🚧

Anthony Ng


Ben Junya

💻 📖

Harsh SInghal

💻 🚧



Ashikka Gupta

💻 🚧

Suyash Sonawane


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!