
Update Language to 'Non-binary people'

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Hey y'all! I wanted to start-up a conversation about the use of 'non-binary' in Svelte Sirens materials, as the term is not analogous to 'men' or 'women' (at least not grammatically). Updating the language to 'non-binary people' may eliminate confusion for non-binary people. I really appreciate that y'all are being inclusive of people like me, and just want to make sure no one feels misrepresented or gets confused by this language.

Thank you for letting us know! Would you be interested in doing a pr for this? @stordahl

@ghostdevv Absolutely!


Hey y'all! I wanted to start-up a conversation about the use of 'non-binary' in Svelte Sirens materials, as the term is not analogous to 'men' or 'women' (at least not grammatically). Updating the language to 'non-binary people' may eliminate confusion for non-binary people. I really appreciate that y'all are being inclusive of people like me, and just want to make sure no one feels misrepresented or gets confused by this language.

Thank you so much for pointing this out and definitely don't want confusion. If you don't get to it, I will be working on all issues tomorrow and will take care of this immediately!

Thanks Brittany! Appreciate your work 🤗