Animations & iOS 13
jminutaglio opened this issue · 5 comments
WhatsNewKit Environment
- WhatsNewKit version: 1.2.0
- Xcode version: Version 11.0 (11A420a)
- Swift version: 5
- macOS version running Xcode: 10.14.6
- Dependency manager (Carthage, CocoaPods, Manually): CocoaPods
What did you do?
In the iOS 13 beta, the animations in WhatsNewKit don't show (due to changes in 13 and how push screens are rendered)
What did you expect to happen?
self.present(whatsNewViewController, animated: true)
in 12x - animations are fine
in 13x - animations do not render
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(whatsNewViewController, animated: true)
in 13x - animations are fine, but "back" is displayed at top of whatsNewViewController
Hey @jminutaglio,
Thanks for your bug-report 👍
Please check out the iOS-13 feature branch which now contains a fix that the animations are triggered correctly when the WhatsNewViewController
is presented in iOS 13.
ty! the 13 branch resolved what I was seeing. (and fixes some other general layout issues) - looks great.
do you plan to merge the 13 branch back here when 13 comes out? And/or what is the release plan to get the fixes in the main branch? (so updates can come via Cocoapods?). ty!
Hey @jminutaglio,
Please check out the latest release 1.3.0
thank you so much!!! Your kit is awesome!!!!