
Truncated text on iOS 14

AndrewBennet opened this issue · 1 comments

WhatsNewKit Environment

  • WhatsNewKit version: 2.0.0
  • Xcode version: 13.2.1
  • Swift version: 5.5.2
  • macOS version running Xcode: 12.1
  • Dependency manager (SPM, Manually): SPM

What did you do?

Presented a WhatsNewKit view controller on a iOS 14 simulator

What did you expect to happen?

The text to not be truncated.

What happened instead?

The text was truncated. See attached screenshot.
Screenshot 2022-01-09 at 11 32 41
Produce by using the following code:

        title: .init(text: .init("Whats New in Reading List")),
        features: [
                image: .init(systemName: "shuffle"),
                title: .init("Shake to Choose"),
                subtitle: .init("Shake your device to choose your next book")
                image: .init(systemName: "hammer.fill"),
                title: .init("Improvements and Fixes"),
                subtitle: .init("Various performance improvements and bug fixes")

Note, this does not occur on iOS 15 simulators. I have seen similar issues in SwiftUI before, requiring the use of .fixedSize()...

PR #53 has been merged