Truncated text on iOS 14
AndrewBennet opened this issue · 1 comments
AndrewBennet commented
WhatsNewKit Environment
- WhatsNewKit version: 2.0.0
- Xcode version: 13.2.1
- Swift version: 5.5.2
- macOS version running Xcode: 12.1
- Dependency manager (SPM, Manually): SPM
What did you do?
Presented a WhatsNewKit view controller on a iOS 14 simulator
What did you expect to happen?
The text to not be truncated.
What happened instead?
The text was truncated. See attached screenshot.
Produce by using the following code:
title: .init(text: .init("Whats New in Reading List")),
features: [
image: .init(systemName: "shuffle"),
title: .init("Shake to Choose"),
subtitle: .init("Shake your device to choose your next book")
image: .init(systemName: "hammer.fill"),
title: .init("Improvements and Fixes"),
subtitle: .init("Various performance improvements and bug fixes")
Note, this does not occur on iOS 15 simulators. I have seen similar issues in SwiftUI before, requiring the use of .fixedSize()