
TS2403: Subsequent variable declarations must have the same type

Svish opened this issue ยท 0 comments

Svish commented

When importing useCypressTag or cypressTag into non-cypress files, I get a bunch of TS2403 errors from jest. No clue why, or how to fix it yet... please let me know if you do... ๐Ÿ˜•

The Cypress side of things work great, and everything works fine within this project. So it's only when I try to use the useCypressTag helper function in the application code of a different Typescript project (in a React component of a create-react-app project) ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ


Either just don't use the useCypressTag helper, write your own, or simply copy the following helper function into your own project and import it from there instead of from cypress-helper-getcy.

// E.g. in src/util/useCypressTag.ts

export interface DataCyProp {
  'data-cy'?: string;

const combineParts = (...part: (string | undefined)[]): string =>
  part.filter(p => typeof p === 'string').join('/');

export default function useCypressTag(
  ...namespace: string[]
): (name?: string) => DataCyProp {
  if ('Cypress' in window)
    return name => ({
      'data-cy': combineParts(...namespace, name),
  else return () => ({});