
Dependency Resolution Failure for paleo-core:0.14.0 and markdown_to_asciidoc:1.1 in Swagger2Markup 1.3.4

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Swagger2Markup version: 1.3.4

Problem description:

I am encountering a dependency resolution error when trying to build my project using Swagger2Markup version 1.3.4. The error message indicates that the following dependencies cannot be found:

The error occurs during the classpath resolution phase, and the build system (Gradle) is unable to locate these artifacts in any of the specified repositories, including Maven Central, JCenter, and the Gradle Plugin Repository.

Here’s the error message I am seeing:

Could not resolve all artifacts for configuration ':classpath'.
Could not find ch.netzwerg:paleo-core:0.14.0.
Searched in the following locations:
- https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/ch/netzwerg/paleo-core/0.14.0/paleo-core-0.14.0.pom
- https://jcenter.bintray.com/ch/netzwerg/paleo-core/0.14.0/paleo-core-0.14.0.pom
- https://plugins.gradle.org/m2/ch/netzwerg/paleo-core/0.14.0/paleo-core-0.14.0.pom
Required by:
project : > io.github.swagger2markup:swagger2markup:1.3.4
Could not find nl.jworks.markdown_to_asciidoc:markdown_to_asciidoc:1.1.
Searched in the following locations:
- https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/nl/jworks/markdown_to_asciidoc/markdown_to_asciidoc/1.1/markdown_to_asciidoc-1.1.pom
- https://jcenter.bintray.com/nl/jworks/markdown_to_asciidoc/markdown_to_asciidoc/1.1/markdown_to_asciidoc-1.1.pom
- https://plugins.gradle.org/m2/nl/jworks/markdown_to_asciidoc/markdown_to_asciidoc/1.1/markdown_to_asciidoc-1.1.pom
Required by:
project : > io.github.swagger2markup:swagger2markup:1.3.4 > io.github.swagger2markup:swagger2markup-builder:1.3.4

It appears that the mentioned versions of the dependencies are not available in the common repositories (Maven Central, JCenter, etc.). This prevents the successful resolution of these artifacts and ultimately the build from completing.

Steps to reproduce:

  • Add swagger2markup:swagger2markup:1.3.4 as a dependency in your project.
  • Attempt to resolve the dependencies using Gradle.
  • Observe the error related to missing paleo-core:0.14.0 and markdown_to_asciidoc:1.1.

Expected behavior:

  • The build should resolve all required dependencies and complete successfully.

Actual behavior:

  • Gradle is unable to find the dependencies ch.netzwerg:paleo-core:0.14.0 and nl.jworks.markdown_to_asciidoc:markdown_to_asciidoc:1.1 in the specified repositories, causing the build to fail.

Suggested actions:

  • Can the required dependencies be made available in public repositories, or can alternate dependencies be suggested to resolve this issue?
  • Any guidance on resolving this dependency issue would be appreciated.