
mvc example bug - vanish events after period change

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hi stuart,
Bug report

Am using the mvc folder in your app.. there is bug in period change event
please follow these steps

  1. load mvc app
  2. click event list
    3 click any date that have event
    4 Then click period change
    5 Rest of the events are gone from the calendar

Am trying hard to fix this issue.. please help me solve it.. your help is much appreciated thanks in advance…

Which Event List are you referring to in step 2? - there is no list in the MVC example.

Just read your StackOverflow question too and it seems your using the 'simple-events-list' example.

When I follow your steps there are indeed no events displayed because there are none for the next month. If you load the page and skip to the next month without doing anything there are no events shown either.

HI Stuart,
Thanks for the quick reply...Yes i am using touch calendar simple events, that will call each moth events in separate period change..My problem is solved.. I dont know what was issue i just refresth the touchcalendarview in period change. Then all the dots are coming as expected..Thanks for the help dear..This plugin is really awesome.. Its rally helped me in my current project...

this is what i did in my period change function

onPeriodChange: function(view, minDate, maxDate, direction){
var monthstartdate = Ext.Date.format(minDate, 'm/d/Y');
var url = 'http://blr.example.in:8081/CRM_API/TaskCalendar.ashx?';
var urlafter = url + 'monthstartdate='+ monthstartdate;
var group_store = Ext.getStore("Events");


Once again thanks for the help...If anybody wanted this type of example Please Fell free to ask...

No problem - glad you got it sorted. I think this is really a duplicate of #18 so will close this for now.