
Bug with sencha-touch-all.js

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hi your plugin is amazing, there is a bug if you use sencha-touch-all.js the complete file that has widgets, Best Regards
Javier Roca

Could you provide a little more detail of when the issue occurs? Thanks!

Hi on your examples you use sencha-touch-js this js file do not include widgets is like a plain version just change it to sencha-touch-all.js and you will see the bug (http://www.sencha.com/forum/showthread.php?153900-Difference-between-sencha-touch.js-and-sencha-touch-all.js-library-files&langid=4) if you add sencha-touch-all.js returns a bug i try to define the plugin as widget but i get a error for some Compatibilities code example: Ext.define("Ext.ux.TouchCalendar"{
xtype: 'touchcalendar',
config: { }, ...."and paste your code here
}) , regards Javier Roca

Unfortunately the extension currently doesn't support ST2 so using the extension 'as is' with it won't work.

Work on migration to 2 is underway (see the ST2 branch) but I'm not sure when it will be complete...