
Wrong assembly version in Unquote.NetStandard

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Apprarently [<assembly: AssemblyVersion("")>] in AssemblyInfo.fs is not respected anymore (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42138418/equivalent-to-assemblyinfo-in-dotnet-core-csproj).

So the compiled dll that comes out from the build of Unquote.NetStandard has version 1.0.0


This breaks other packages, like FSharp.AWS.DynamoDB that have Unquote as a dependency, at least when using the paket dependency manager.

When trying to use FSharp.AWS.DynamoDB which depends on Unquote, I am getting the error: Could not load file or assembly 'Unquote, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)

I cloned the repo and updated Unquote.NetStandard.fsproj by adding the following line to PropertyGroup: <Version>5.0.0</Version>. Then I re-compiled and manually replaced dll next to my project, then it worked.

Adding <GenerateAssemblyInfo>false</GenerateAssemblyInfo> to Unquote.NetStandard.fsproj also produced the dll with the correct version in manifest.

Could you please make sure that Unquote.NetStandard is build with the correct version?

Oh wow, thanks for detailed report! I'll try to get a fix out ASAP.

ASAP can be a long time for me these days... sorry. This is still on my radar though.

This will be fixed by #156

This is now released as part of Unquote 6.0.0! Thanks for your patience. A big part of Unquote 6.0.0 was modernizing build tooling which I hope will improve turn-around time for fixing issues like this including encouraging more contributions by the community.