
Saving/Loading network doesn’t work properly

AlbanPerli opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi @collinhundley,
the network is not saved properly, so it’s not loaded properly.
The costKey is not filled,

public func save(to url: URL) throws {

        let json: [String : Any] = [
            NeuralNet.inputsKey : structure.inputs,
            NeuralNet.hiddenKey : structure.hidden,
            NeuralNet.outputsKey : structure.outputs,
            NeuralNet.momentumKey : momentumFactor,
            NeuralNet.learningKey : learningRate,
            NeuralNet.hiddenActivationKey : hiddenActivation.stringValue(),
            NeuralNet.outputActivationKey : outputActivation.stringValue(),
            NeuralNet.weightsKey : allWeights(),
         // ...

but it’s mandatory in the init function

guard let inputs = array[NeuralNet.inputsKey] as? Int,
            let hidden = array[NeuralNet.hiddenKey] as? Int,
            let outputs = array[NeuralNet.outputsKey] as? Int,
            let momentum = array[NeuralNet.momentumKey] as? Float,
            let lr = array[NeuralNet.learningKey] as? Float,
            let hiddenActivationStr = array[NeuralNet.hiddenActivationKey] as? String,
            let outputActivationStr = array[NeuralNet.outputActivationKey] as? String,
            let costStr = array[NeuralNet.costKey] as? String,
            let weights = array[NeuralNet.weightsKey] as? [Float]
            else {
                throw Error.initialization("One or more required NeuralNet properties are missing.")

Fixed by adding:
NeuralNet.costKey : costFunction.stringValue() in the saved json array.

Thx for the good work!


Fixed by #2