Example_Reading_Results Notebook Error

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When running the Example_Reading_Results.ipynb, I run into an error in the 13th cell where the function get_rate_res_fnames() is not finding any files with 'rates' in the name. It is searching in the F646018360/ directory and there are none of these files in the repo. Are they supposed to be there or included with the Zenodo data files?

I only put the data necessary to run the other notebook in that directory. All of the result files from the search are a few thousand files and I think a few hundred MBs, so I'll see tomorrow if I'm able to add those to the repo. I might need to tar them. I'll update here once I've added them.

Just added the search results for F646018360 as a tarred file. So you'll just need to untar F646018360_results.tar.gz and the get_*_res_fnames() functions should work.

Great, thanks A TON @jjd330. The notebook is able to be fully run now.