
Signing for "SwiftMessages-SwiftMessages" requires a development team

maksirol opened this issue · 3 comments

I get this error while building with xcode version: 14.0.1. It worked fine with 13.1 version.

error: Signing for "SwiftMessages-SwiftMessages" requires a development team. Select a development team in the Signing & Capabilities editor. (in target 'SwiftMessages-SwiftMessages' from project 'Pods')

In my development environment i just removed additional pod "SwiftMessages-SwiftMessages" and it works. But on build server it pulls pod's from cocoapods, so i cannot remove it manually.

Any advices how to solve it?

Work around, this is necessary for Xcode 14, because it signs resource bundles by default, when building for devices.

  .each do |pod_name, target_installation_result|
    target_installation_result.resource_bundle_targets.each do |resource_bundle_target|
      resource_bundle_target.build_configurations.each do |config|
        config.build_settings['CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED'] = 'NO'

We are getting same issue when we switched from Carthage to SPM, we are using latest 10.0.0 version and fastlane to sign and build.
Only 1 of our many modules in the project use SwiftMessages. We did not select dynamic option when adding SPM library